5 Reasons Why Signage Is Important For Your Business

Your business is more than its logo, products, and services. It’s an entire experience. How you promote your business will determine how consumers interact with you.

Your brand’s retail experience should encompass everything. This includes ads, sales promotions, social media, your website, and your signage. In this advancing digital age, signage is often an overlooked aspect of the retail experience. 

But, remember that your business signage can have as much of an impact as your website on your enterprise.

From digital signage solutions to window graphics, below looks at how retail signage gives your business a considerable advantage.

1. Enhances communication

Signs represent a brand’s most visible form of communication. Outdoor signage and window graphics can impact how a brick-and-mortar store performs.

Signs do more than inform. Customers make assumptions of a business according to the quality and attractiveness of their signs. This assumption carries over to how customers perceive the quality of a brand’s products or services.

When outdoor signage is complemented with wayfinding design, brand exposure increases. This results in greater opportunities for new customer acquisition and repeat business. Similarly, poor or low-quality signage can deter customers from engaging with your business.

2. Provides a competitive advantage

Standing out in a sea of companies is a challenge for any business. Signage can be the differentiator, however, between customers choosing your business over those of your competitors. A creative and unique storefront sign can attract customers from a distance and draw them into your store.

Location plays a role in providing your business with a competitive edge as well. 

Your outdoor and wayfinding signage should be in a high traffic location proximate to your business. Onsite signage will provide the added benefit of enabling people to discover your brand’s physical presence.

3. It’s a cost-effective marketing tool

Signage can be more than just an attractive differentiator or unique wayfinding solution. Signs are also an essential component of your brand’s marketing strategy. In fact, both small and enterprising businesses benefit from using signs as a marketing tool.

Sure, there are other tried and true methods such as billboards and newspaper advertisements. But these promotional strategies do not have the same longevity as signs. Signage can be an exterior ongoing marketing campaign visible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Consistency is essential when using signs as a marketing tool to creatively communicate your promotional campaigns. Promote a narrative with your signage by using the same fonts, colors, and themes consistently.

This will help your brand become more recognizable. It will also allow customers to start a relationship with your business. This, in turn, also increases brand loyalty.

4. Increases sale opportunities

Well-designed, quality signage can generate unplanned impulse stops. It is estimated that between 20 to 45 percent of business sales come from impulse sales.

This is why signage should be placed in the right locations. The checkout counter, for example, can direct customers and inspire additional purchases. Digital signage solutions offer dynamic messages that can attract more in-store sales.

5. Builds brand awareness 

The greater the recognition your brand has, the easier it is for your brand to affect perceptions and attitudes. This encourages a feeling of connectedness with your audience. In the end, this results in repeat purchases and a greater market share.

Signage is a critical component in driving brand recognition. Coca-Cola and Starbucks are two examples of brands that use signage to its full potential.

To fully capitalize on signage, you must create a narrative that illustrates your company values. This narrative should be exemplified in your company branding and signage. This allows customers to make connections with your brand long before they’ve entered your retail store.

All signs point to success 

Signage is a versatile business tool that can serve a myriad of purposes. Signage can serve as a visual solution to numerous business problems such as wayfinding, sales, brand recognition, and competitive advantage.

By working with the right signage and wayfinding design, and employing the right branding elements and narrative, signage will act as a visual symbol to drive greater attention to your business.

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